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Remembering how to be creative can feel like a drain. There are so many things to do as a blogger: creating content, interacting on social media, keeping track of expenses, the list goes on and on. And most of that work seems to require sitting in front of a computer, often hunched over a keyboard.
The last thing a blogger wants to do at the end of a long day of balancing work and housework and child care is to spend more effort. It feels so much easier to just crawl into bed or binge-watch the latest season of “Outlander.”
Creativity is a resource that can run dry when we don’t replenish it. How do you remember how to be creative? By taking the time and yes sometimes effort to recharge. It feels like it saves time to keep pushing through.
It feels like we’ll be going backward and wasting time if we stop and take a breath and recharge our creativity, but it really takes less time to step back, do something else and let our brains and creativity flow again.
Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.
My 8 Tried and True Tips to Help You Remember How to be Creative
Disconnect completely I love taking the day or the weekend off. It’s easy to do with blog and social media posts scheduled out to give me a little bit of breathing room.
Spend time in nature While I’m disconnecting, I make sure to spend some time in nature. It’s scientifically proven to be good for you and doctors are even starting to write prescriptions for “forest bathing.” How cool is that??
Play with my kids and cats I am so grateful to have kids (even though they are almost grown) that I can spend time goofing around with them. It’s not quite the same as when they were little, but we can still play board games, go for a hike or check out a new artisanal ice cream shop. It’s also a great creativity break to play with the cats. All they need is a laser pointer and a catnip kick toy and they are good for entertainment. It’s even more fun when I can convince the kids to play with the cats with me.
Dance like a fool I really don’t need any excuse to dance like no one is watching. It’s one of my most favorite ways to spend downtime. Give me an 80s pop playlist and I will bust a move (or maybe just bust your gut when you see how atrocious my moves really are).
Meditate, especially near water Meditation always seems a little fancier than what I actually do. I call it “doing nothing” but meditate sounds better. I just find a quiet spot to be alone with my thoughts and take the time to actually think. It’s heavenly and some of my best ideas come when I am doing nothing. If you have the chance to do nothing near water, take it. Being near water really does make you happier.
Bake some bread, cookies, or another treat I love baking simple treats almost as much as I enjoy eating them. It’s a great way to get out of your head a little and let creativity start to bubble up again. Just yesterday I was baking these amazing Raspberry Oatmeal Bars and came up with a great idea for a new blog post about welcoming spring.
Go for a scenic drive I love a drive through the country. I’m lucky that even though I live in the city, meandering country roads have never been too far away. I love the slower pace of the road, fewer cars, and even a roadside produce stand or gift shop to stop and buy from. It always clears my head when I feel like I’ve been staring at my laptop for way too long.
Go to lunch with a girlfriend There is nothing to spark creativity like two heads together. It’s not even about brainstorming ideas, it’s just the synergy of the conversation. You may hear something she’s struggling with and realize that it will resonate with your audience and inspire a whole series of blog posts. Plus it’s just fun to spend time with your bestie!
Browse the craft store and come home with a simple craft to create I admit it, I am a craft store junkie. I love just browsing and seeing ideas for new ways to connect with my audience with what is current right now. I also love craft kits. I really don’t have any one craft that is my “thing,” I love to dabble and that’s why I love kits. You can make a simple project from start to finish without a huge investment of time or money on a new project.
Final Thoughts on Remembering How to Be Creative as a Blogger
As bloggers, creativity is written into our DNA. We started our blogs for love and passion and the desire to create something wonderful in the world. There are so many tiny tasks to creating a successful and amazing blog that we can never be “done” and it’s important to remember that.
It’s also important to remember to spend time nurturing our creativity so that we can come back to our blog and our audience with even more amazing content and interaction for them. It’s also important to take time for ourselves and just let the creativity flow.
Ideas for More Ways to Remember How to be Creative
How Blogging Taught Me to be Creative Again
How to Be a More Creative Blogger
What is your best tip for remembering how to be creative? Let me know in the comments below!

Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.
Charles Dudley Warner
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